ラベル fostex ボリューム・コントローラー pc-1e の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル fostex ボリューム・コントローラー pc-1e の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示

[最も共有された! √] Fostex Pc-1e 129480-Fostex Pc-1e Volume Controller

Fostex Hp A3 Headphone Amplifier Mic Check One Two Pte Ltd

Fostex Hp A3 Headphone Amplifier Mic Check One Two Pte Ltd

None of the other products came close to the quality of the Fostex PC1e It's made the way things used to be It has a heavy metal housing It's heavy enough that when you pick it up, you're surprised at how heavy it feels The knob is some sort of plastic, but it's fiber reinforced and feels quality The knob has a satisfying resistance, much Fostex PC1e BK 4,63 1 x ocjenjivano Regulator glasnoće Pomoću PC1e (B) / (W) možete daljinski upravljati glasnoćom lijevog i desnog zvučnika što ga čini izvrsnim dodatkom za reprodukciju glazbe i videozapisa na PCu Kompaktan za korištenje računala Pasivni tip Nema potrebe za bat Čitaj više

Fostex pc-1e volume controller
